Thursday, January 11, 2018

Live Longer by Harnessing the Power of Jing

Azriel ReShel reveals how to live longer by harnessing the power of jing.
No subject raises more interest, attention and controversy, than sex. Us humans, we love sex. Popular media cashes in on this, with magazines, movies and shows exploring mojo boosting sexual mystery and power. But what about the bedroom secrets of Tantric masters? Tantra is becoming a hot word today. It can be seen as a practice to gain greater sexual prowess or magic, yet Tantra can elevate sexual encounters to life enhancing experiences that have the potential to heal the body.

While it may seem like an anomaly to some, sexual energy can greatly enhance spiritual expression. Often there is a great divide in opinions on Tantra, particularly in some western religions where sexuality has been thoroughly excommunicated by those in robes. Yet several ancient traditions, like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), make use of sexual energy and sexuality in ways that are profoundly healing and life enhancing. Read more

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