Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tantra for Security and Prosperity

Umaa Tantra teacher Tao Semko explains why so many self-proclaimed "yoga practitioners," "meditators," and "new-age tantrics" are unappealingly unhealthy and unable able to hold down a job, maintain real relationships, or create a prosperous life for themselves and their loved ones, and how Tantric technqiues can be used for security and prosperity.
Have you ever wondered why so many self-proclaimed "yoga practitioners," "meditators," and "new-age tantrics" are unappealingly unhealthy and spaced-out? Or why these people who live a supposedly healthy, "spiritual" lifestyle, often feel insecure and seem disconnected from their family and fellow human beings? Sometimes they're unable able to hold down a job, maintain real relationships, much less create a prosperous life for themselves and their loved ones... Read more

1 comment:

healy said...

wow! nice post. Thanks for sharing! you make me think of something mmmm lol=)