Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Invaluable Benefits: Meditate and Open the Heart

Opening your heart requires no special talent, effort or ability. By following a few simple steps you can fully experience the peace, calmness, and happiness that's already within your heart. Here is a meditation that can be used each morning to experience the feelings that arise when you allow your heart to be open and activated by your breath.
Research is continually showing that meditation is beneficial to our life and our health. Meditation helps us to take a distance from what is going on in our mind and our life rather than constantly being immersed and controlled by it. It helps us to be more focused and reduces stress. Opening your heart is a simple step you can take towards accepting things as they are and being more open to others and the blessings of life. This is a meditation that can be used each morning to center yourself and to open your awareness in a positive way.

Start by quietly sitting and focusing on your breathing. Relax and allow your breath to come naturally in and out. Begin by focusing your breathing toward the area of the heart. This means that your mental focus as well as your breathing focus is in the area of your heart behind your breast bone. Take ten minutes to sit and focus your heart breathing while you let your mind experience the feelings that arise when you allow your heart to be open and activated by your breath. Read more

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